The contact lens business – How is it different from and how can it be combined with the spectacle one
Presenter: Shweizer Helmer
There are some fundamental differences between the contact lens (CL) and the spectacle (SPEC) business.
For most eye care professionals (ECPs) in Europe, their main business (turnover) is in SPECs.
It is thus no surprise that they treat the CL business similar to the SPEC one and do not consider the differences.
One aspect in which the businesses are different is the capital needed to be invested into stock.
Another one is the time spend to serve a customer. Next comes the repurchase frequency, the add on sales, the customer loyalty etc. This presentation looks at all these aspect, some in more detail.
Overall, CLs can be a good business and most likely, the combined one is the best. In the end, it does not matter how much money is made by one transaction with one customer, at one time it is about the life cycle value and the opportunity to satisfy all the vision correction solutions a patient may benefit from.
The services provided around the fitting and the after-care of contact lenses, should be properly charged for and thus enhance the CL business performance.